- PhD, MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, U.S.A.
- BSc (Hons), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
梁美心博士在大學時代蒙召,曾擔任香港學園傳道會同工,在多間大專院校傳福音和牧養大學生,婚後赴美國芝加哥三一神學院唸道學碩士和哲學博士,主修新約。她自2010年起在播道神學院任教,首年時兼任播道會港福堂特約傳道,亦曾擔任Trinity Journal助理編輯(2005-2008)及國際差傳協會東亞差委會委員(2021-2023),現在參與多項寫作計劃。
約翰福音、希伯來書、約翰書信、啟示錄、耶穌的比喻、新約神學研究、希臘文文法、 第二聖殿期猶太教、當代釋經講道法
- 1, 2, 3 John. New Testament Discourse Analysis Commentaries. (forthcoming)
- 《穿越聖經的時代禱聲》。靈命塑造系列。香港:天道書樓,2024。
- 《歌羅西書:尊主基督為主》。明道研經叢書。香港:明道社,2021。
- 《第二聖殿猶太教導論》。香港:天道書樓,2018。
- 《從紀念到委身:黙想耶穌受難與復活 30天》。靈修導引叢書。香港:明道社,2016。
- 《與約翰同讀舊約:再思約翰福音的十架神學》。文本互涉系列叢書。香港:天道書樓,2015。
- 《她觸動妳心:聖經中的女性故事》。聖經主題叢書。香港:明道社,2013。 (附12 課《她觸動妳心:聖經人物查經本》,按此簡體版)
- 《約翰書信與啟示錄》。鮑會園牧師神學叢書。香港:播道會文字部,2012。
- The Kingship-Cross Interplay in the Gospel of John: Jesus’ Death as Corroboration of His Royal Messiahship. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
- “The Metaphorical Expressions of the Commands in 1 John.” In Systemic-Functional Linguistic Interpretation of the New Testament. (forthcoming)
- “Colossians” and “Philemon.” In Zondervan Greek New Testament Study Bible. (forthcoming)
- 〈死亡的逆轉——第二聖殿猶太教的復活觀〉。收錄於陳愛光、羅羚主編:《渴想主來:活在末世的應許與盼望中》第七章。美國:正道福音神學院,2023。
- 〈馬太福音〉〈使徒行傳〉〈保羅生平和書信〉。收錄於楊詠嫦:《上帝的家書:從創造到啓示的二十堂課》,頁 324-64。香港:突破出版社,2014。
- 〈從愚昧的財主比喻看「積財」與「富足」〉。林志成、梁美心編,《講道、牧養、領導:播道神學院八十週年院慶神學文集》。頁99-114:香港:播道神學院,2012。
- “Revisiting the Structure and Rhetoric of the Christ Hymn in Colossians 1:15–20: A Thematic Analysis Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics.” Bulletin for Biblical Research 34.2 (2024): 217-33.
- “Language and Characterization in the Roman Trial Narrative: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Pilate’s Dialogues with the Jewish Leaders and Jesus in John 18:28-19:16a.” Bulletin for Biblical Research. 29.4 (2019): 511-34.
- “Ethics and Imitatio Christi in 1 John: A Jewish Perspective.” Tyndale Bulletin 69.1 (2018):111-31.
- 〈當代講道學,何去何從?論「新講道學」的崛起和特色〉。《華神期刊》第8期(2016):頁104-42。
- “The Discourse Function of ἀπεκρίθη καὶ εἶπεν (‘He Answered and Said’) in the Gospel of John.” Bibliotheca Sacra 171 (July-September 2014): 307-27.
- 〈「金」的誘惑:啓示錄的黃金世界〉。《華神期刊》第 5 期(2013):頁 10-32 。
- “The Roman Empire and John’s Passion Narrative in Light of Jewish Royal Messianism.”Bibliotheca Sacra 168 (October-December 2011):426-42.
- “The ‘Purity’ of the Disciples in John 13:10-11 and 15:2-3.” Jian Dao Journal 36 (2011):131-55.
- “The Narrative Function and Verbal Aspect of the Historical Present in the Fourth Gospel.”Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51.4 (2008): 703-20.
- “With What Is Evangelicalism to Penetrate the World? A Study of Carl Henry’s Envisioned Evangelicalism.”Trinity Journal 27.2 (2006): 227-44.
- “Revisiting the Structure and Rhetoric of the Christ Hymn in Colossians 1:15–20: A Thematic Analysis Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 2022.
- “Ethical Language in the Gospel of John and 1 John.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 2019.
- “Language and Power Relations in John 18:28-19:16a with Focus on Participant Dialogues and Narrative Asides.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 2018.
- “Ethics and Imitatio Christi in the First Letter of John.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
- “Simply Redundant? The Discourse Function of ἀπεκρίθη καὶ εἶπεν (he answered and said) in John’s Gospel.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
- “Impurity and the Jews in the Fourth Gospel.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2012.
- “The ‘Purity’ Motif in the Gospel of John.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, London, U.K., 2011.
- “A Fresh Look at the Johannine Passion Narrative’s Contact-Points with Roman Imperial Ideology.” Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Far West Regional Meeting, La Mirada, California, U.S.A., 2010.
- “Eschatological Purification and the Messiah in Second Temple Judaism and the Fourth Gospel.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A., 2009.
- “The Historic Present in the Gospel of John with Reference to Verbal Aspect and Discourse Function.” Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 2007.