- PhD, MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, U.S.A.
- BSc (Hons.), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Biographical Information
Dr. Leung has been teaching at Evangel Seminary since 2010. Prior to pursuing theological education, she had been involved in campus ministries of Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ. Dr. Leung was an assistant editor of Trinity Journal (2005-2008) and a member of East Asia Sending Council of Send International Missions (2021-2023). She holds membership of Evangelical Theological Society and Society of Biblical Literature. She is a member of the steering committees for Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics (SBL annual meeting) and Allusions in the Gospels and Acts (SBL international meeting).
Research Interests
John's Gospel and Letters, The parables of Jesus, The Book of Revelation, Second Temple Judaism, The use of the OT in the NT, Discourse analysis, Greek Grammar and syntax, Expository preaching.
- 1, 2, 3 John. New Testament Discourse Analysis Commentaries. (forthcoming)
- Prayers Through the Ages in the Bible. Hong Kong: Tien Dao Press, 2024. (Chinese)
- The Letter to the Colossians: Honor Lord Christ as Lord. Hong Kong: Ming Dao Press, 2021. (Chinese)
- An Introduction to Second Temple Judaism. Hong Kong: Tien Dao Press, 2018. (Chinese)
- A Spiritual Journey from Remembrance to Devotion: 30 Days Meditating on Christ's Passion and Resurrection. Hong Kong: Ming Dao Press, 2016. (Chinese)
- Reading the Old Testament with John: Revisiting the Theology of the Cross in the Gospel of John. Hong Kong: Tien Dao Press, 2015. (Chinese)
- Her Story Touches Your Heart: Female Characters in the Bible. Hong Kong: Ming Dao Press, 2013. (Chinese)(附共 12 課「她觸動妳心:聖經人物查經本」,按此簡體版)
- The Johannine Epistles and Revelation. Commentary on the Chinese Bible Series. Hong Kong: Evangel Press, 2012. (Chinese)
- The Kingship-Cross Interplay in the Gospel of John: Jesus’ Death as Corroboration of His Royal Messiahship. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, 2011.
Chapters in Books
- "The Metaphorical Expressions of the Commands in 1 John." In Systemic-Functional Linguistic Interpretation of the New Testament. (forthcoming)
- "Colossians" and "Philemon." In Zondervan Greek New Testament Study Bible. (forthcoming)
- "The Reversal of Death: Resurrection in Second Temple Judaism." Chapter 7 in Maranatha: Living in the Promise and Hope of the End Time. Edited by Ekron Chen and Mary Luo. Los Angeles, California: Logos Evangelical Seminary, 2023. (Chinese)
- "Matthew," "Acts," and "Paul's Life and Letters." Pages 324-64 in Maureen Yeung, The 'Letters' from God: Twenty Lessons from Genesis to Revelation. Hong Kong: Breakthrough Press, 2013. (Chinese)
- "'Money' and 'Wealth' in Light of the Parable of the Rich Fool." Pages 99-114 in Collected Essays on the Occasion of Evangel Seminary's Eightieth Anniversary. Edited by Andrew Lam and Mavis Leung. Hong Kong: Evangel Seminary, 2012. (Chinese)
Articles in Journals
- "Revisiting the Structure and Rhetoric of the Christ Hymn in Colossians 1:15–20: A Thematic Analysis Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics." Bulletin for Biblical Research 34.2 (2024): 217-33.
- "Language and Characterization in the Roman Trial Narrative: A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Pilate's Dialogues with the Jewish Leaders and Jesus in John 18:28-19:16a."Bulletin for Biblical Research. 29.4 (2019): 511-34.
- "Ethics and Imitatio Christi in 1 John: A Jewish Perspective." Tyndale Bulletin 69.1 (2018):111-131.
- "A Study of the Rise and Characteristics of the New Homiletic in North America." Journal of China Evangelical Seminary 8 (2016): 108-42. (Chinese)
- "The Discourse Function of ἀπεκρίθη καὶ εἶπεν('he answered and said') in the Gospel of John." Bibliotheca Sacra 171 (July-September 2014): 307-27.
- "The 'Gold' Motif in the Book of Revelation." Journal of China Evangelical Seminary 5 (2013): 10-32. (Chinese)
- "The Roman Empire and John's Passion Narrative in Light of Jewish Royal Messianism." Bibliotheca Sacra 168 (October-December 2011):426-442.
- "The 'Purity' of the Disciples in John 13:10-11 and 15:2-3." Jian Dao Journal 36 (2011):131-55.
- "The Narrative Function and Verbal Aspect of the Historical Present in the Fourth Gospel." Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society 51.4 (2008): 703-20.
- "With What Is Evangelicalism to Penetrate the World? A Study of Carl Henry's Envisioned Evangelicalism." Trinity Journal 27.2 (2006): 227-44.
Conference Presentation
- "Revisiting the Structure and Rhetoric of the Christ Hymn in Colossians 1:15–20: A Thematic Analysis Based on Systemic Functional Linguistics." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 2022.
- "Ethical Language in the Gospel of John and 1 John." Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 2019.
- "Language and Power Relations in John 18:28-19:16a with Focus on Participant Dialogues and Narrative Asides." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A., 2018.
- "Ethics and Imitatio Christi in the First Letter of John." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 2017.
- "Simply Redundant? The Discourse Function of ἀπεκρίθη καὶ εἶπεν (he answered and said) in John's Gospel." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Vienna, Austria, 2014.
- "Impurity and the Jews in the Fourth Gospel." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2012.
- "The 'Purity' Motif in the Gospel of John." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature International Meeting, London, U.K., 2011.
- "A Fresh Look at the Johannine Passion Narrative's Contact-Points with Roman Imperial Ideology." Paper presented at the Evangelical Theological Society Far West Regional Meeting, La Mirada, California, U.S.A., 2010.
- "Eschatological Purification and the Messiah in Second Temple Judaism and the Fourth Gospel." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Pacific Coast Regional Meeting, Santa Clara, California, U.S.A., 2009.
- "The Historic Present in the Gospel of John with Reference to Verbal Aspect and Discourse Function." Paper presented at the Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, San Diego, California, U.S.A., 2007.